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The Whole Kit 'n Kaboodle

Here’s every post for a scroll down memory lane. If you want to look at a particular time period or destination, navigate using the menu topics.

Pierre L’Enfant’s Plan for Washington DC

On July 17, 1790, the US Congress announced that a swampy, muddy, mosquito-infested plot of land on...

Queen Victoria’s Emerald Diadem

Queen Victoria’s Jewels The love story of Britain’s Queen Victoria and Prince Albert is...

Dunboy Castle

Though ruins today, the beautiful scenery of the Beara Peninsula makes an excellent backdrop for...

Gangsters in the Suburbs: the Battle of Barrington

In the 1930’s, John Dillinger’s gang was on a crime spree throughout the Midwest and the...

A Medieval Church in London: St. Olave Hart Street

Olav (later styled “Olaf”) was the King of Norway who supported the Anglo-Saxon King...

Lewis Chessmen

The true story is unknown, but the legend says in the early 1800’s a Scottish farmer on the...

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