Favorite Time Period: Medieval Britain
I brake for:
Norman Castles, Historical Site Markers & ice cream
Favorite US City to Visit:
Washington DC

As a kid I loved to read, and books about far off places and new adventures were always my favorite. As I got older and started reading more non-fiction and realized that I was reading about people and places that really existed AND I could GO there?! Sign. Me. Up.
For me, there’s nothing cooler than reading about Kings and Queens only to find yourself standing in the great hall of a castle, realizing all that “stuff” you read about happened in that room or below the murder hole you’re peering through.
I’ve been traveling the world for over 20 years, both solo and with others. One thing is for sure: finding one source for historic and heritage themed travel can be difficult! It’s easy enough to find out what happened in a place, but it’s generally a footnote between everything else in a guidebook.
I read historical books as travel guides, noting places and events and creating an ever-growing list of new places to go. My favorite periods are Medieval Britain and early US History, but I do like to branch out to other places and periods as well.
This isn’t a site that will tell you how to quit your job and travel all the time (but if you know of a way…). My hope is that it provides a place to get information and inspiration for your own trips and a deeper understanding of what you are experiencing. I like to get as immersed as possible, so I also share books, tv shows, movies, podcasts or music that go with the theme.
I have undergrad and graduate degrees in science and history, so research and accuracy are important to me, but please forgive any errors that are bound to happen. I concede the adage that history has been written by the victors, but I’ll do my best to stick to the “facts” as they are presented.
With historical travel, I don’t see it as much “where” do you want to go but WHEN, so tell me: when do you want to go today? I hope you’ll join me on this adventure.